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Atopic dermatitis in dogs and cats

Did you  know that skin is the biggest organ in our precious pets? Skin also constitute ~14% of the body weight of dogs, for example, a 25 kg dog has around 1 square meter of skin! Dog skin is much more sensitive than human baby skin and needed special care to maintain its health.  

Allergy Dermatitis in Dogs and  Cats

  • Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common pruritic (itchy) skin disease characterized by disturbances in epidermal (skin) barrier function that generally and invariably becomes chronic
  • AD cases and associated skin disorders are on the rise and are now frequently reported in 10 -15% of all dogs and cats, despite improvements in care
  • While all breeds of dogs can get atopic dermatitis, but - Bulldogs, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Boston Terriers, English Bull Dogs, Pugs, Irish Setters, Dalmatians, Lhasa apsos, Shih tzus and Boxers are more prone / predisposed to AD
  • Atopic dermatitis is considered a hypersensitivity disorder in pets because it is associated with an exaggerated production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in response to environmental allergens as well as self induced injury in response to persistent pruritis


Most Common Symptoms

  • Pruritus (itchiness) - not as much of a hallmark in atopic cats as it is in atopic dogs
  • Tell-tale saliva staining
  • Erythema (redness)
  • Self trauma from pruritus
  • Alopecia (hair loss)
  • Excoriations (moist & broken skin)
  • Hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) and
  • Hyperkeratosis (thickening of skin) -common in chronic canine cases
  • Recurrent ear infections


Current Treatment Approaches for Allergy Dermatitis in Dogs & Cats

  • Glucocorticoids (Pred) can lead to temporary Immunosuppression and secondary endocrine consequences
  • Cyclosporin (Atopica) Strong Immunosuppression and very expensive
  • Antibiotic Therapy can lead to DYSBIOSIS – potentially complicates the disease further by disturbing good vs bad bacteria colonization as well as adding to the antimicrobial resistance 
  • Medicated Shampoos are very dryng to the skin surface and potential affect the skin barrier function

The new thinking on the management of atopic dermatitis

  • Healthy skin barrier is key. The healthy barrier provides a barrier to allergen and pathogen penetration.
  • Prevention of trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), allow skin to maintain elasticity and pliability.
  • Address specific skin disease process such as disorder is keratinization
  • Address inflammatory responses

Hempooch solution for addressing Atopic Dermatitis in dogs and cats

  • Potent organic, natural and vegan source of anti inflammatory
  • aids in the maintenance of healthy skin barrier
  • aids in the prevention of trans - epidermal water loss